Meditation Quotes
for opening new doors!

meditation quotes

Meditation quotes  on   ~Letting Go~

“Meditation only becomes real, powerful, authentic, and liberating when it is a practice of letting everything go. Otherwise it is reduced to little more than a psycho-spiritual relaxation technique. It may make you feel better, but it won't set you free. Feeling better and being free don't necessarily mean the same thing. Feeling better is relative; being free is not. Ultimately, spiritual freedom depends on how profound is your ability to let go of everything—and not just once, but over and over again. If you understand what it means to let go of everything, you know everything you need to know about meditation. Then your meditation is real. It's the posture of freedom, the posture of enlightenment. It's a profound existential stand you are taking in relationship to life and death; a spiritual position you are assuming in relationship to eternity.”

Relaxation and calmness are the beginning of what meditation can provide.

Underneath is a True Realm of connected-ness to God/Source and you can tap into an experience of surrender and letting go which goes beyond even the most truthful teachings you like to read and discuss.


Very few people are seriously asking God,

 "What do I need to do in my life so that I can speed up the momentum so that I can break free? What do I need to do? Just tell me because I'm going to do it." 

Go within with that intention, 

"Dear God, please, show me the way. What do I need to do? What areas of my consciousness do I need to wake up? What areas of my life do I need to change? Where is it that I am attached? In what areas is there attachment binding me? Please show me."

And the fact of the matter is you already know. You just don't want to look.   ~Kalindi

Let Go and let God

As children bring their broken toys With tears for us to mend,

I brought my broken dreams to God,

Because He was my friend.

But then instead of leaving Him In peace to work alone,

I hung around and tried to help,

With ways that were my own.

At last, I snatched them back and cried,

“How can you be so slow?”

“My child”...He said, “What could I do?

You never did let go.”

“When we pray we have to have our focus on God...not on the problem or difficulties.”


There is a story regarding the Buddha which recounts how he once gave teaching to a famous sitar player who wanted to study meditation. The musician asked, "Should I control my mind or should I completely let go?" The Buddha answered, "Since you are a great musician, tell me how you would tune the strings of your instrument." The musician said, "I would make them not too tight and not too loose." "Likewise," said the Buddha, "in your meditation practice you should not impose anything too forcefully on your mind, nor should you let it wander." That is the teaching of letting the mind be in a very open way, of feeling the flow of energy without trying to subdue it and without letting it get out of control, of going with the energy pattern of mind. This is meditation practice.

Meditation quotes on    ~Reality~

"The trouble is you think you have time"


“Meditation isn’t about what’s happening;

it’s about how you relate to what’s happening.”

~Sharon Salzberg

"You need to listen while you are meditating,

but it is a listening beyond the senses of the body.

It is a listening to the sound of silence.

Your mind will not hear it; your ears will not hear it.

It is a listening that is beyond these limitations.

It is a state of reception.

Carry this state of reception into your meditations;

and as this listening takes over, the usual difficulties will subside.

Many think that there is no reception while the mind is still functioning.

This is not true.

Your mind and its unlimited illusions may still go on,

but this does not stop your reception.

It is an endeavor in a separate area."  


God is an experience.

It's not a study, an essay or an argument.

Either you are inundated with it or you are not.

God is as real as someone touching your hand.

That's how much you can feel Spirit inside of you.

It is as real as the beating of your heart. You feel it flowing through your being".

~ Michael Singer

Meditation quotes on   ~Desire is Everything~

“You are being guided.
Your mind may not be aware of it, but as your awareness grows, you will start to become aware of it with your conscious mind. Let your desire begin, and immediately it acts; that is the nature of spirit. It’s not that now you have a desire to achieve total awareness, and then at some point in the future you will do something, and it will begin to take you there. At the very instant that you desire to know the truth, an action occurs and your awareness changes and grows. It is simultaneous. The endeavor has an immediate result.”


“After thirty years of devoted meditation,
I am still in awe and wonder and am asking myself

"how deep does the rabbit hole go?"
Day by day I am learning that to be connected with God is to be in tune

with a constant growing impulse to forever let go,
to eternally give myself in service to Him,

and surrender forever to His Will

with an ever deepening desire to leave this place of illusion.”


“A most useful approach to meditation practice is to consider it the most important activity of the day.
Schedule it as you would an extremely important appointment, and unfailingly keep your appointment with the infinite.”

If you're trying to fix your grief, your fear, your anger, your loneliness, your doubts, your broken heart, your deep longing for Home, you've already made them into a problem, and so you're already at war. Your search for a solution implies that something is broken and needs fixing. There is a 'good me' at war with a 'bad me', a 'perfect me' at war with an 'imperfect me', and this is the root of all violence. End the dualistic war. Turn towards the part of yourself that feels broken, tender, raw, 'bad', and for a moment, stop searching for its solution. Listen to it. Stay present. Stay very close. It may contain valuable information. Begin to allow the un-allowable parts, begin to accept the seemingly unacceptable energies within yourself.

Shine your light fearlessly into the darkness.

You will come to see that there are no enemies within you, no mistakes, no demons, only manifestations of consciousness that long to be met, embraced, integrated as part of an infinitely larger picture;

only children that long to return Home... No solution. No problem. Only Love.

~Jeff Foster

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