Learn meditation

from the ground up

online meditation course

Are you a beginner and want to learn meditation?

Great, focus on creating a solid foundation so you can enjoy a sustainable practice for your daily life.

Are you already meditating?

Wonderful, then frequently go back and visit those basic elements of meditation

that create your foundation so you can keep going deeper in your own practice.


Mini Course

This course provides an introduction to the 6 most important elements of meditation. You can do the 6 meditation lessons and 6 guided meditations, from the comfort of your home. This course is great for beginners or for people that want to get a taste of teaching style and methods of the School4Meditation.

Find out more about this Mini Course

The 21-day Meditation Journey

Immerse yourself in meditation, daily, for 21 days.
This journey is for you if you:

  • want to learn meditation by immersing yourself in meditation with daily guided meditations.
  • long to go further, to take your meditations deeper.
  • want to create a sustainable, daily practice into your life.
Find our more about the Journey
meditation retreat

Meditation Retreats in Spain

A retreat at the right time is a gift for a lifetime and the perfect way to learn meditation solidly. Come and

  • learn meditation to a depth, so you can sustain it when you go back to your life.
  • get more out of your current meditation practice.
  • transform yourself and have the breakthroughs you need to thrive.
Find our more about our retreats

Is there a "best" technique to learn meditation?

Over the past three decades of guiding people in meditation, one of the most frequently asked questions I have been asked is:
"What is the best meditation technique?"

I have explored this question extensively over many years of practicing and teaching meditation, but before answering, I want to say that whenever I respond to a question, I want to bring increased understanding and illumination to an area, to facilitate freeing of the mind, not further binding it with more misconceptions.

So after many years of practicing meditation around the world under various teachers and masters, I have explored and learned so many different ways of going within. This has enabled me to teach these principles to people wanting to learn more about meditation. Also sharing these teachings with meditation instructors and people wanting to guide meditations.
I have come to realize something important:
Meditation techniques and exercises can be very helpful in when we learn meditation, and at the same time they can be a hindrance towards progressing  deeper in meditation.
When we go within we want to be open and receptive to how we are being guided. There are as many ways and techniques as there are people. If we are not receptive to what to use when, we could find ourselves practicing a meditation technique that gets us “stuck in a rut” and we could be missing out on so much benefit from our meditations.

Many meditation techniques, stem from a spiritual belief system or instructions that have everyone doing the same thing in each meditation. For example; witnessing, focusing on a mantra, removing all thoughts, breathing, chanting, being still, and so on. Each of these methods come with their own benefits, however if a technique is mostly what is being practiced, then it can soon becomes a “blanket process”. This can be said to be like giving the same prescription for everyone, and this cannot work effectively for very long.
The thing is that at any one time, a person may need something very different from what another person needs. Of course people can make progress by practicing a “blanket process”, but as time passes their practice will most likely loose its effectiveness. At some point these people become somewhat lost about their meditations and do not get what they could be getting, or they just become stuck in the process itself. Becoming discouraged, they might give up their meditation practice at some point, or they simply become unaware that their practice is no longer helping them to move forward very effectively.

Often people commit to do the same spiritual practice or technique over and over in their quest to find truth or become self-realized. What is problematic in this is becoming attached to the process itself, and then not being open to other avenues that might be more fruitful. At different points on one’s path, different practices will be more helpful.
When meditation is practiced in ways that are more open to what is needed in each meditation, would this not reveal to the seeker more understanding about the very nature of going within? Would it not show how the time honored practice is meant to go beyond any blanket process or belief of what meditation “should” be?
So rather than teaching you a technique from a particular belief system or set of teachings, we will focus on:

  • Learning effective methods, principles and mechanics of going within
  • Explore the abilities and skills that bring us to succeed in meditation
  • Look at how to deal with challenges that restrict us from having a more effective meditation practice

You see, in one sense, it really does not matter how you do it… just as long as you do it!
When you meditate with us,  we will cover the essence of the most pertinent and powerful teachings that have assisted us on our own journey within, and continue to help us year after year on our own ever-deepening personal journey.

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