The beauty of life is that there are always whispers of information awaiting to help you in life––if you listen.
These whispers come from deep within. From the part that is connected to the source, whether you call it God, a Higher Power, or your higher intelligence, the truth is within and comes to us at times in the form of whispers.
Some people call it also intuition or inner truth when they are listening within. In order for us to hear the whispers we have to be calm, quiet and clear enough inside so that we can hear.
When I am listening within, is it my true self talking or is it my ego?
This is a very good question and shows that there is a certain level of sincerity and perhaps prayer for purity going on inside of you. To find the answer to your question you best follow the feeling inside that comes with this question. It will lead you to the answer without fail.
And if you like, here follows a direction you could follow to help you on your journey.
Sometimes the whispers are so clear that you know you need to act, but even then you can still think for a day about it more. One thing to consider is that knowing whether or not you can trust that what you receive in meditation is from God, and not just stirrings from your ego/mind, sometimes means you have to trust yourself, take action, and pay attention to the results. You can steadily come to learn the difference between your mind and higher intelligence – which is from God – by becoming aware of the results from your actions; are they helping you?
That is a part of self-realization.